100% 3. Invest in PT. NCL INTER LOGISTIK INDONESIA ( “NCL-Indonesia”) via convertible bond loan agreement with share ratio of 60% All three companies above operate international product transport with
company. Purchase of 80% of Universal Common Shares of Universal Worldwide Transportation Limited. Page 2 of 5 The Company must recognize revenue. Entering into the financial statements. As a result
previous year Caused by increased revenue Therefore increasing the cost of service And because Euro Asia Total Logistics Company Limited is a company that operates cross-border transportation Therefore, the
situation of shipping by sea and air, there are transport restrictions. The gross profit from land transportation for the first nine months of 2020 was 95.13 million baht, an increase of 96.14 million baht or
increase of Baht 77.57 million or 38.01% resulting from the recognition of revenues and expenses from the Company. Universal Worldwide Transportation Limited, as the cost increases, thus increasing the
transportation in the domestic transport by land and the cost of dialysis liquid manufacturing, which there were no the mentioned costs in the 1st Quarter, 2017 as well as the company is expanding the business in
transport services such as together Since it is a transportation service from the factory door to the customer from the source to deliver to the factory door to the end customer, as well as the delivery time
transport services such as together Since it is a transportation service from the factory door to the customer from the source to deliver to the factory door to the end customer, as well as the delivery time
million Baht, increased 16.79 %, mainly caused income in year 2018 due to the business merger of domestic transport service by land by the end of year 2018 as well as its subsidiary both in domestic and
18.79 2.98 Air Freight 813.05 863.02 -49.97 -5.79 Logistics Management 353.77 357.41 -3.64 -1.02 Cross-border transport 478.74 51.66 427.08 826.71 Related party transactions -75.02 -71.53 -3.49 4.88 Total