person who, in the ordinary course of business, holds himself out to the general public as being ready to engage as a counter party in a derivatives contract with any person who intends to trade in
person who, in the ordinary course of business, holds himself out to the general public as being ready to engage as a counter party in a derivatives contract with any person who intends to trade in
มำรถในกำรแข่งขนั หัวขอ้ที ๔.๔ โครงสร้ำงพืนฐำน เชือมไทย เชือมโลก หัวขอ้ที ๔... DRAFT business operator requests to set off
the benefit of its own or others’, except where it is the trustee’s claim for its remuneration or where the trustee is able to show that the trust is managed with fairness under which all related
interest with the trust regardless of whether such act is done for the benefit of its own or others’, except where it is the trustee’s claim for its remuneration or where the trustee is able to show that the
able to show that the trust is managed with fairness under which all related information has been sufficiently disclosed to beneficiaries who thereafter hold no objection to the act. The disclosure and
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______________ SECTION 39. The par value of a debenture of a company shall not be less than one hundred baht which shall be paid in money and the purchaser cannot avail himself of a set-off against the company as
company shall not be less than one hundred baht which shall be paid in money and the purchaser cannot avail himself of a set-off against the company as to payment of the debenture. SECTION 40.4 A debenture
Thai ActandRoyalEnactment Turn off more accessible mode กฎหมาย/กฎเกณฑ์ × Home > กฎหมาย / กฎเกณฑ์ > พระราชบัญญัติ/พระราชกําหนด