campaign, including event “The Legendary of Carat & Celebrating 90 Years Timeless Excellence” which result in revenue from sales increase. 1/3 Unit: Million Baht YOY % Revenue from sales 512.13 100.0% 423.88
ส่งเสริมการขาย รวมถึงงาน The Legendary of Carat & Celebrating 90 Years Timeless Excellence ส่งผลให้รายไดข้องบริษทัเพิ่มข้ึนตามล าดบั • อตัราก าไรขั้นตน้เพิ่มข้ึนจากไตรมาสเดียวกนัของปีก่อนจากร้อยละ 41.2
analyze and value investments. CFA Institute is pleased to have created the publication “Guidance for Integrating ESG Information into Equity Analysis and Research Reports” at the request of the SEC
STRATEGIC UPDATES 1) ADVERTISING Created new Station Entrance Experience welcoming commuters on BTS stations 2) PAYMENT Rabbit card Rabbit LinePay 3) AWARD AND ACHIEVEMENT
derivatives fund managers being a financial institution regulated by other agencies; “electronic data” means data that are created, sent , received, stored or processed through electronic procedures
derivatives fund managers being a financial institution regulated by other agencies; “electronic data” means data that are created, sent , received, stored or processed through electronic procedures
follows: 1. The amendment to the definition of “digital asset” by reducing the scope of digital asset from being an electronic data unit created in any electronic system to include only “crypto asset” with
addition, the economic slowdown in 2019 created a price war competition in this industry. For this quarter, the outbreak of COVID-19 since middle of March 2020 caused a direct impact toward customers
housing inventory. Unavoidably, these created price competitiveness among the real estate developers. (2) Rent and Service Business This year, revenue from rent and service business was THB 341.19 million
Companies dated 29 June 2006. Clause 2 In the Notification: “electronic data” means data that are created, sent, received, stored or processed through electronic procedures; “securities company reporting