Microsoft PowerPoint - 9H!7-˙#0-ˆ˙#0-ˆ2#*H#2"2ˇCrowdfunding SEC Classification : ใชภ้ายใน (Internal) กระบวนการนำส่งข้อมูลอิเล็กทรอนิกส์ crowdfunding 1/42 SEC Classification : ใชภ้ายใน (Internal
Microsoft PowerPoint - PPT 2#*-*H-A%042!2#3˘8###!-ˆ#4)10@ˆ5"ˇ_241166 SEC Classification : ใชภ้ายใน (Internal) SEC Classification : ใชภ้ายใน (Internal) การขออนุมัติการลงทุนในตางประเทศ บมจ. หวานเจี๊ยบ
Microsoft Word - 2#-˝H-ˇ˝1ˇ@˚7H-2#@*ˇ-2"+%1#1˚"L˝H2ˇ˝9IC+Iˆ#42##0ˆˆ#2'L˜1ˇ4 [N] คูม่อืสําหรบัประชาชน : การขอผอ่นผนัเพอืการเสนอขายหลกัทรพัยผ์า่นผูใ้หบ้รกิารระบบคราวดฟ์นัดงิ [N] หนว่ยงานทใีหบ้รกิาร
in distribution of product and equipment, design, assembly and installation and maintenance service of pure water treatment system; as well as dialysis service of clinic business for kidney patients
treatment system; including operate clinical business which dialysis services for kidney patients who receive replacement therapy with dialysis by dialysis machinery (Dialysis Center) and distribution of
of operations of the Group The Group has principally engage in distribution of product and equipment, design, assembly and installation, and maintenance service of pure water treatment system
principally engaged in distribution of product and equipment, design, assembly and installation, and maintenance service of pure water treatment system; including operate clinical business which Hemodialysis
principally engage in distribution of product and equipment, design, assembly and installation, and maintenance service of pure water treatment system; including operate clinical business which dialysis
. Nature of operations of the Group The Group has principally engage in distribution of product and equipment, design, assembly and installation, and maintenance service of pure water treatment system
distribution of product and equipment, design, assembly and installation, and maintenance service of pure water treatment system; including operate clinical business which dialysis services for kidney patients