(cash settlement); 2. Investment in futures has high risk. Futures trading is a high risk investment where investor may face unlimited loss. Hence, before deciding to trade in futures, the investor should
; “ capital market product having high-risk or complex characteristics ”5 means the following capital market products: (1) investment units having high-risk or complex characteristics including: (a) investment
market product having high risk or complex characteristics shall comply with the regulations under Chapter 6; (7) receiving trading orders of capital market products outside the offices of intermediaries
in connection with any capital market product having high-risk or complex characteristics under Clause 29(2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8) and (10), shall come into force as from 1 January 2017; and (4
ลงทุนรายใหญ่ให้เทียบเท่าผู้ลงทุนสถาบัน เพื่อให้สามารถลงทุนในตราสารหนี้พวก high risk high return ได้มากขึ้น 3. การอนุญาตให้ใช้ issuer rating สำหรับการเสนอขายหุ้นกู้ทุกประเภท ยกเว้น หุ้นกู้ด้อยสิทธิ 4. การ
selection which may cause assets of clients to be in a condition of low liquidity and high risk (cherry picking); (2) shall use the latest issuance of credit rating information made by the reliable credit
anti-money laundering authority as high risk business/ profession; (7) a client who is categorized as higher-risk categories by the anti-money laundering authorities or the Securities Industry
caution (fiduciary duties) and shall not make credit rating information selection which may cause assets of clients to be in a condition of low liquidity and high risk (cherry picking); (2) shall use the
UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATION Readers should be aware that only the original Thai text has legal force and that this English translation is strictly for reference. 30 Notification of the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission No. Nor Por. 3/2559 Re: Guidelines for Establishment of Information Technology System ______________________ Whereas the Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board No. Tor Thor. 35/2556 Re: Standard Conduct of Business, Management Arrangement, Operating Systems...