and CEOs. Duties of loyalty and care are found in the law and responsibilities are spelled out in the Principles and listing rules. These include oversight of management and strategy, approval of
board of directors, including the review of corporate strategy, selecting and compensating management, overseeing major corporate acquisitions and divestitures, and ensuring the integrity of the
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: Asset Plus Multi Asset Strategy Fund ASSET PLUS FUND MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED|Foreign Investment Fund : FIF | Offering Date : 14/09/2012 - 25/09/2012
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transparent. The state should exercise its rights as a shareholder actively and in the best interests of the company. Asian economies should adopt a comprehensive approach to monitoring and curbing related
ทอ้นถึง exposure สูงสุดที1อาจเกิดขึนได ้ (4) การคาํนวณ commitment approach ซึ1 งสามารถให ้netting ระหวา่ง derivative หรือ asset ที1เป็น underlying เดียวกนันัน ควรใหส้ามารถ
the rules or regulations, as well as the benefits and impacts and proposed enforcement approach of the rules or regulations; (2) minutes of board of directors’ meetings with respect to consideration of