ordinary shares). CCET shall holds approximately 19.19% of CCPH shares after the Merger. Source of Fund Before Amendment By issuance of new CCPH ordinary shares (shares swap) Source of Fund After Amendment 1
KPPH’s book value as at March 31, 2017 as well as the financial projections. For the exact measurement, CCPH has appointed an independent assessor to do the assessment which is expected to receive the
ordinary share for 5.5 KPPH ordinary shares). CCET shall holds approximately 19.19% of CCPH shares after the Merger. Source of Fund Before Amendment By issuance of new CCPH ordinary shares (shares swap
interest rate swap contracts to hedge its debt. In addition, the Company has unused unsecured revolving credit facilities 7.2 billion baht and 3 billion baht unused uncommitted facilities with a verities of
or represented 59% of total borrowings. To manage risk that might occur from the fluctuation in currency. The Company has entered cross currency interest rate swap contracts to hedge its debt. In
consisting of domestic loan book amounted 88,861 million baht, 4.0% growth y-y, which can be classified by loan types as; number of credit cards receivable 43,474 million baht, 10.6% y-y; loans receivable of
Comprehensive Income) THB 2.3m - Recognized loss in Profit and Loss Statement THB 2.3m Change in fair value of interest rate swap - cash flow hedges Interest rate swap - Unrecognized change in fair value
ของบริษัทจดทะเบียน (share swap) อาคารจพีีเอฟ วทิย ุทาวเวอรส บี ชั้น 10, 13-16 เลขที ่93/1 ถนนวทิย ุ แขวงลมุพิน ี เขตปทุมวัน กรุงเทพฯ 10330 โทรศัพท 0-2263-6499 หรือ 0-2695-9999 โทรสาร 0-2651-5949 สํา
rate swap contracts to hedge its debt. Shareholders’ Equity As of May 31, 2017, total shareholders’ equity amounted to 14,363 million baht, increasing by 590 million baht, or 4% over the end of fiscal
interest rate swap contracts to hedge its debt. • Shareholders’ Equity As of February 28, 2017, shareholders’ equity was 13,773 million baht, representing the increase of 1,516 million baht or 12% from