UOB ASSET MANAGEMENT (THAILAND) COMPANY LIMITED|Money Market Fund,Super Savings Fund : SSF | Offering Date : 02/05/2006 - 08/05/2006
considering classification of mutual funds into two groups: (1) complex fund and (2) non-complex fund. Initially, guidelines for information disclosure of complex fund have been set out, requiring that the fund
material opportunity for investors. 3. Our clients are demanding action on climate change. – Institutions are targeting Net Zero – Retail investors demand Responsible Investments 4. Regulators and Standard
investment based on their risk tolerance levels. The proposed measures include: 1. Arranging for an easy-to-understand risk ranking, from 1 to 8 in ascending order, to label each mutual fund; 2. Requiring
amendments for property funds include repealing the rules related to the fund establishment, requiring a work system to monitor unitholding to ensure compliance with rules on limitations of unitholding
markets. Regarding investor protection, the SEC would issue associated rules requiring that the information on the fund?s forex derivatives investment which is not for hedging purpose be clearly disclosed
SEC has revised rules to make it easier for companies to engage in this business, for example, abolishing the rule requiring unit-selling agents to sell investment units of different management
emerging market situations.SEC has proposed to revise the guideline on maintaining liquidity of fixed income funds in order to match their redemption and settlement policies by requiring fixed income funds
Bangkok, November 16, 2011 ? The Capital Market Supervisory Board has approved a disclosure rule requiring issuers of all types of securities for public offering present a clear and concise factsheet