114.7 111.5 2.9 341.1 352.9 (3.3) Export sales 395.4 376.5 5.0 1,066.0 1,143.6 (6.8) Total revenue from sales 510.1 488.0 4.5 1,407.1 1,496.5 (6.0) Foreign exchange gain (loss) 1.6 2.0 (18.6) 5.3 5.3 0.6
% 41% - Commercial 145 1,673 148 3% (91%) - Construction materials 25 90 50 101% (44%) - Others 24 30 49 101% 62% Gross profit 486 1,186 527 8% (56%) EBITDA 202 1,077 480 137% (55%) Net profit (loss) 34
gain from foreign exchange of THB 92 million from THB appreciation, but realized a few loss from Yen depreciation. The company also received income tax refund from 2007 as revenue of THB 226 million
Products 23 - Natural Resources Statement of Cash Flows Statement Financial Ratios Environment Management Accounting Statement of income 11 Financial Position 32 Management’s Perspective towards 2020
& Trading Business Group 11 Marketing Business Group 13 Power Plant Business Group 14 Bio-Based Products Business Group 16 Natural Resources Business Group 18 Statement of Financial Position 20 Cash Flows
& Trading Business Group 12 Marketing Business Group 13 Power Plant Business Group 16 Bio-Based Products Business Group 18 Natural Resources Business Group 20 Statement of Financial Position 22 Cash Flows
gain/(loss) 0.34 (0.31) (0.30) -188.24% -3.23% 1.57 (0.16) -110.19% Other income 2.45 0.57 0.49 -80.00% -14.04% 3.22 1.74 -45.96% Earnings before Interest and taxes 12.96 19.09 16.94 30.71% -11.26% 82.36
71.4 32,496 69.2 EPSBG (Embedded Power Supplies) 17,182 34.9 16,867 36.0 18,404 39.2 - DC-DC Power 3,212 6.5 2,572 5.5 2,695 5.7 - Computer & Networking Power 3,072 6.2 4,160 8.9 4,837 10.3 - Custom
Gain on sales of Land to Sahachol Foods Supplies Co., Ltd. 12.88 Million Baht. 620/5 หมู่ 11 ต.หนองขาม อ.ศรีราชา จ.ชลบุรี 20230 โทรศพัท ์038 480 020-1 โทรสาร 038 480 080 620/5 Moo 11 Nongkham, Sriracha
of raw materials and packaging, which partly offset the increased of excise tax. Food business Food cost of sales was maintained due to improve efficiency in restaurant operation. Selling Expenses