reporting lower sunshine duration compared to the same period of the previous year. Q3/2017 performance compared to Q2/2017, the power plant business revenue lowered by THB 36 million (-4%), due to the
irradiation hours of other projects decreased due to the weather conditions in Japan, which witnessed torrential rainfall and was exposed to lesser sunshine duration. 3. Realized share of profit from investment
ไรกต็ำม ค่ำควำมเขม้แสงเฉลี่ยของโครงกำรส่วนใหญ่ในประเทศญี่ปุ่ นปรบัลดลง โดยกรมอุตุนิยมวทิยำของ ประเทศญี่ปุ่ นรำยงำนว่ำ ในพื้นที่ตัง้ของโครงกำรส่วนใหญ่ในไตรมำสนี้มชี่วงเวลำทีม่แีดด (Sunshine Duration
Section 7 Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 Section 7. The Minister of Finance shall be in charge of the enforcement of this Act and shall have the power to issue ministerial regulations and
partial tender offer of the business under Chapter 5 of the SEC Notification No. ThorJor. 12/2554. 1 In case of shares, regardless of class or issue, the total number of outstanding securities = ordinary
างประเทศ ที่ไดรับ rating (ขอ 53) 2 อันดับแรก (Issue size limit 20% ของแตละ issue สําหรับ กองทุนเปด ยกเวนกองทุนเปด auto redemption ) No company limit (2) ตราสารภาครัฐตางประเทศที่ไดรับ rating
Notification of the Securities and Exchange Commission (Translation) Published in the Government Gazette, General Issue, Volume 119, Special Section 32 Ngor, dated 4 April 2002. Readers should be
Gazette, General Issue, Volume 119, Special Section 32 Ngor, dated 4 April 2002.
, securities business, the Securities Exchange, over-the-counter centres, and related businesses, organizations related to securities business, issue or offer of securities for sale to the public, acquisition of
3.78 Million or 15.53% when compared to the same period of 2018. Resulting from increasing in the employment benefit obligation based on the Labor Protection Act (Issue 7) B.E. 2562 which revised in rate