ระบบสำเร็จ (successful Attempt/ incident) แต่ ไม่ ก่อให้เกิดความเสียหายทางการเงิน จำนวนครั้งความพยายามในการบุกรุกโจมตีระบบสารสนเทศใน ปีล่าสุด แต่บริษัท สามารถความคุมและจำกัดความเสียหายได้โดย ไม่ส่งผลกระ
business undertaking is accurate, complete and current as well as functional and can be monitored effectively. There shall also be an adequate security system to prevent any unauthorized person from
preventing system installed and notify concern person instantly in case appeared that found virus. [M] 9. Audit log. · Providing a record of functional of server and network computer system, application log
reporting of suspicious transactions. The policy mentioned in the first paragraph must be approved by the securities company’s Board of Directors, except for the company whose shareholding and functional
/42 30/7/42 - 1/10/42 นายเอกชัย บูรพชัยศรี บล. ธนสยาม จำกัด 19.417.300 55.478 8,309,300 23.741 68.263 1 8,309,300 16 บมจ. แชงกรี-ลา โฮเต็ล SHANG 20/8/42 23/8/42 – 24/9/42 Successful Dragon Ltd. , Siam
this regard, the respondent may file a counterclaim together with a letter indicating his intention relating to the above mediation. Clause 13. If the mediation of dispute is successful, the parties
the Capital Market Business Clause 4 Personnel in the capital market business performing their duties in any of the following functional fields shall have the qualifications, possess no prohibited
business performing their duties in any of the following functional fields shall have the qualifications, possess no prohibited characteristics, or obtain an approval [from the SEC Office], as the case may