Inform the Board Resolution to register a subsidiary company in SET - Translation - UAC.CS/006/2018 March 23, 2018 Subject: Plan to spin-off Subsidiary Company to be listed in mai To: The President
(after rounding to 2 decimal places), whereby the Company will waive the right to subscribe the newly issued shares in proportion to its shareholding in the Subsidiary (either ordinary or preferred shares
there are shares unsubscribed from the first round of allocation, the Company will re-allocate those unsubscribed shares to the shareholder who wishes to over subscribe the shares exceeding their right in
over subscribe the shares exceeding their right in accordance with their shareholding ratio until all shares are fully subscribed, or until such remaining shares cannot be allocated due to fraction of
allocation, the Company will re-allocate those unsubscribed shares to the shareholder who wishes to over subscribe the shares exceeding their right in accordance with their shareholding ratio until all shares
, as detailed below. In addition, any person(s) designated by the Board of Directors to register the amendment of the Company’s Articles of Association with the Department of Business Development, the
per share, totaling 587,500,000 baht or 32.83% payout ratio. The shareholder register book for the right to receive dividends shall be recorded on October 19, 2018. The Company will pay dividend on
0107554000097 Registration No. 0107554000097 HYDROTEK PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED บริษทั ไฮโดรเท็ค จ ำกดั (มหำชน) 2. Approve to postpone the date the shareholders who are eligible to subscribe for the newly issued
) shareholders who are eligible to subscribe for the newly issued shares shall be those whose names are recorded in the shareholders register on November 10, 2017 (Record Date), pursuant to Section 225 of the
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