Corporate Governance Rating (CGR), the SEC requested securities companies disclose Anti-corruption Progress Indicator of the listed companies in their research to push listed companies to set policy and
Complex Type 2 Investment Consultant
Complex Type 2 Investment Consultant
Complex Type 2 Investment Consultant
Plain Investment Consultant
The 31st ASEAN Capital Markets Forum (ACMF) Meeting today in Phuket discussed the progress of ACMF initiatives on sustainability, connectivity and resilience. The initiative on developing a Roadmap for ASEAN Sustainable Capital Markets (Roadmap) was endorsed by the ASEAN Finance Ministers’ and Central Bank Governors’ Meeting (AFMGM) in April 2019. The Roadmap promotes a common vision and comprehensive direction towards an ecosystem for sustainable capital market development, as well as an ASEAN...
กล่าวสามารถจ่ายไปยังสมาชิกของกองทุนสำรองเลี้ยงชีพในอดีต (ปี 2548)ได้หรือไม่ คำตอบ: เนื่องจากไม่ได้มีการกำหนดเกณฑ์เกี่ยวกับการ set aside ของกองทุนสำรองเลี้ยงชีพ
Microsoft Word - set-E _BOD 4-2019_ mh.doc 1 Ref: CSO. 018/2019 Date: 21st August 2019 Subject: The approval of financial statements, the change of directors, the appointment of Chairman of the Audit
Microsoft Word - SET-AIS-CP 007-2020 Acquisition of spectrum license.docx (Translation) AIS-CP 007/2020 19 February 2020 Subject: Acquisition of spectrum license To: President The Stock Exchange of
/2019 on May 10, 2019, therefore, approved this joint project with the SET whereby IAA will be the project manager and qualified securities companies will produce more securities research reports on small