application for approval prior to the date on which securities company sells shares issued for the purpose of increasing its capital causing such person to be major shareholder; (2) in case other than (1
investment units shall not be concentrated in the holding of any individuals or any groups of persons which could exercise power over fund management and exploit the fund for own benefits such as tax avoidance
investment units shall not be concentrated in the holding of any individuals or any groups of persons which could exercise power over fund management and exploit the fund for own benefits such as tax avoidance
unitholders. (a) Decreasing minimum subscription (b) Increasing in channel of selling and redemption investment units (c) Increasing in selling agent (d) Increasing in frequency of (e) Decreasing
unitholders. (a) Decreasing minimum subscription (b) Increasing in channel of selling and redemption investment units (c) Increasing in selling agent (d) Increasing in frequency of (e) Decreasing
OR "electrical possession" OR "electric ownership" OR "electric possession" OR "power ownership" OR "power possession"&wt=json&indent=true&facet=true&facet.field=key_filetype&facet.field=key_sitemap
finance business under Clause 1 means undertaking of business with core objective to provide credit facility for securities business. Clause 3 This Notification shall come into force on the date
related associations The SEC has the power to make an order for the directors or members to clarify about facts of the associations. The SEC or the officers are empowered to enter the association during the
date on which the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 comes into force ; (3) hold shares of any securities company in the amount equal to or exceeding ninety-nine percent of the total paid-up
securities or other assets as payment in lieu of cash. The conditions and procedures must be clearly specified in the scheme. (4.3) Retirement fund (RMF) shall be an open-end fund only. (5) Increasing the