was increased from previous year 52.55% to 54.21%. It came from the sales of high cost goods with the increased portion and the sales promotion activities to clear existing goods in stock. Distribution
company had an strictly and effective stock management and cost control of raw material. Expense In the first quarter of 2020, the company had the selling cost of 5.12 million baht, decreased by 3.35
from the sale of raw materials, which is a hold for a long old Stock. Expenses 1. Cost of sales and hire of work totaling 5.08 Million Baht increased from the same period last year by 3.10 Million Baht
Stock Exchange ," %! ' trading cost ()*'P*O* % 50% M$#" traditional exchange .%#$.KL#()* traditional exchange *)"O*P.M$()* \% "O*!"*P' )bML"')*O#"L"`.jL,""O%j()*&P*M$ # direct market access O* &P*#$!#bML
efficiency work process for the Group to get a qualification of listed company in the Stock Exchange in Thailand. Financial cost Financial cost was interest expense for long-term long from a commercial bank on
efficiency work process for the Group to get a qualification of listed company in the Stock Exchange in Thailand. Financial cost Financial cost was interest expense for long-term long from a commercial bank on
28 April 2020 At: ACC/HO 011/63 Re: Management Discussion and Analysis for the Quarter of 1/2020 To: President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Following the Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and
between 15-20 days in order to avoid increasing cost of sales from stock of products too much. Because the fluctuation of palm oil prices is still an important factor in the Company's profitability. As of
November 20, 2018 Subject: Clarification of decrease in share price Attention: President Stock Exchange of Thailand Reference is made to inquiries of the Stock Exchange of Thailand concerning the movement of
addition, the company had the future loss from trading securities as amount of 44.76 million baht caused from the change of market price of stock from the investment at June 30, 2019. The stock price is