To break or not to break: Evidence from price discovery process of Thai stocks during the pre-opening of each trading session To break or not to break Evidence from price discovery process of Thai
Comments on: “Trading costs on the Stock Exchange of Thailand” Authors: Charoenwong C., Ding D.K., Jenwittayaroje N. Comments on: “Risk-taking behaviour during downturn: evidence of loss-chasing and
investments and fair value gains however totalled Baht 113.48 million, an increase of Baht 41.53 million or equivalent to 57.72%, due to the increase of the price of stocks listed on stock exchange of Thailand
decrease of Baht 24.32 million or 91.99%, because of the fluctuation of the price of stocks listed on the stock exchange of Thailand. That was affected by the outbreak of the 2019 coronavirus (COVID-19
fluctuation of the price of stocks listed on stock exchange of Thailand. 2. Underwriting income decreased by Baht 16.53 million due to the following factors : 1.1 Underwriting expenses increased by Baht 33.37
last year, the value of the Company's investment assets this year was effected by the fluctuation of the price of stocks listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand. Yours sincerely, (Mr. Somboon Fusriboon
other income amounted to Baht 27.71 million, a decrease of Baht 2.82 million or 9.22% over the same period last year, because of the fluctuation of the price of stocks listed on the stock exchange of
shareholder wealth through . • A company's free float is important to potential investors because it offers insight into the company's stock volatility. • Stocks with small free float tend to be more volatile
Asymmetry (con’t) • Theoretical prediction about the role of individual stocks’ return history – Saar (2001) argues that the longer the run of price appreciation a stock experiences, the lower the buy-sell
impressive. For illiquidity stock, the shareholder wealth of illiquidity stocks depends on the investors’ choice whether they prefer to today payment as the dividend yield or they could wait on wealth in