Microsoft Word - QA 2ˇ*1!!ˇ2*#I2 9!48I!1ˇˆ#4)10@ˆ5"ˇI'" 3 line of defense 1 คำถามและคำตอบจากผูเขารวมงานสัมมนา “สรางภูมิคุมกันบริษัทจดทะเบียนดวย 3 lines of defense” เมื่อวันที่ 24 กันยายน 2567 1
within December 2017. Industry Overview In term of the retail industry in 3Q17, there has been constant low growth from the previous quarter due to the weakness in buying power especially for low-income
% YoY from spectrum license, goodwill and investment in Rabbit LINE Pay (RLP). Total liabilities were Bt232,836mn, stable from 2017 as payments for existing spectrum licenses were offset by the 1800MHz
Sutthatip.b Line Sutthatip.b Line
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period last year, especially in the tourism sector. However, exports and private investment – two major economic drivers – continued to slow in line with the sluggish global economy and trade volume amid
Overview In the year 2017, the overall picture of the apparel industry remained stable in line with the Thai and global economy. The sale of goods to foreign countries has been affected by the appreciation
capacity utilization following a steady contraction in export value. Meanwhile, public investment expanded as a result of an acceleration in disbursements by the government. Headline inflation in the second
packages. Moreover, the operators are promoting the adoption of 5G through various 5G packages bundling with affordable 5G devices to increase ARPU. The home broadband industry experienced steady growth with
value-added services and innovative products tailored to customer demands for fast, stable internet, along with enhanced home experiences through content bundles and IoT add- ons. Enterprise services have