.Thai Juristic Persons Thai Juristic Persons 543,892.51 1.Short-term Debt Securities Short-term Debt Securities 327,830.07 1.Thai Investors Thai Investors 327,780.07 Institutions 257,599.59 High Net Worth
1 Thai Juristic Persons By Thai Juristic 543,842.49 1.Short-term Debt Securities Short-term 327,780.06 Public Offerings 800.00 Institutions / High Net Worth Investors 262,656.39 Private Placements
committee, investors, regulators, network firms, other networks, other service providers) Why are they considered relevant parties? For example, - The firm may consider a regulatory authority as a relevant
5.1. Do No Significant Harm The “Do No Significant Harm” (DNSH) principle is applied to the taxonomies with multiple objectives in order to make sure that one objective does not cause damage to other