quarter 3 of 2016, Thai Speedy Management Public Company recognized gain from disposal assets with Baht 1.02 Million. Selling expenses decreased by Baht 1. 16 million from bidding expenses, due to the
of Thailand Public Company Limited (AOT) reversed of accrued concession fee to Bangkok Air Catering Company Limited (BAC) and Worldwide Flight Services Bangkok Air Ground Handling Company Limited (BFS
International Airport with 5 years of concession. The subsidiary was established by the condition of Airport of Thailand PCL. (AOT)’s term of reference with registered capital of 20.0 million baht (June 2019) 2
financial transaction in one application”. 3.2 LH Bank Speedy is an internet banking service which accommodates the financial transactions that can perform transactions on anywhere and anytime with a double
of the bank etc. under the slogan “LH Bank M Choice is financial transaction in one application”. 3.2 LH Bank Speedy is an internet banking service which accommodates the financial transactions that
. .............................................................................................. ชือ่กองทนุ รายชือ่ บคุคลที่ เกี่ยวข้อง ซื้อ ขาย กอง B - 12/09/2005 AOT SET50 หุน้ บมจ.การท่าฯ ... ... 56 52 56 4% กอง C - 12/09/2005 AOT SET50 หุน้ บมจ.การท่าฯ ... ... 56 52 56 10% กอง E dealer 1 15/09
Speedy is an internet banking service which accommodates the financial transactions that can perform transactions on anywhere and anytime with a double security system with easy-to-use menu and to make
Speedy is an internet banking service which accommodates the financial transactions that can perform transactions on anywhere and anytime with a double security system with easy-to-use menu and to make
เป็นต้น ภำยใต้สโลแกน “LH Bank M Choice ท าธุรกรรมการเงินได้ในแอพเดียว” 3.2 บริการธนาคารทางอินเตอร์เน็ต (LH Bank Speedy) เป็นบริกำรที่เพิ่มควำมสะดวก ในกำรท ำธุรกรรมทำงกำรเงินที่สำมำรถท ำได้ทุกวัน ทุกที่ ทุก
information checking, and fund purchasing under the slogan “LH Bank M Choice” is financial transaction in one application”. 3.2 LH Bank Speedy is a service for more convenience in the financial transactions