Ashy Drongo Scarlet-Backed Flowerpecker Little Heron Black-naped Oriole Eurasian Tree-Sparrow Asian Openbill Large-billed Crow House Sparrow Peregrine Falcon Arctic Warbler Scaly-breasted Munia Pink
still developing and expanding its business. As of Q1/2019, the number of Inthanin branches is 529 (an increase of 71 branches) and the number of SPAR branches is 47 (an increase of 12 branches) compared
และไดช้่วยเหลอืเกษตรกรสวนปำลม์อกีดว้ย 4. ดำ้นธุรกจิ Non–oil ทีอ่ยู่ภำยใตก้ำรดแูลของ บรษิทั บำงจำก รเีทล จ ำกดั ยงัคงพฒันำและขยำยธุรกจิอย่ำงต่อเนื่อง ในส่วนของธุรกจิรำ้นสะดวกซือ้ SPAR และรำ้นกำแฟอนิทนิล
., Ltd. are still developing and expanding the business of the SPAR supermarket and convenience store, and Inthanin coffee shop. Thus, as of Q1/2018, there are altogether 457 branches of Inthanin coffee
supermarket and convenience store SPAR, as well as the Inthanin Coffee chain. The businesses have expanded both outside and inside service stations, and have implemented market promotion continuously. As of the
service station, including the convenience store business, “SPAR”, and the Inthanin Coffee Shop under the management of Bangchak Retail Co., Ltd., to answer to consumers’ needs for increased convenience and
Non-oil business under the supervision of Bangchak Retail Co., Ltd. (“BCR”) is still developing and expanding its business continuously. As of Q2/2019, the number of SPAR convenient stores was 46
the Non-oil business operated under the Bangchak Retail Co., Ltd. still perseveres with development and expansion, both for the SPAR supermarket business & convenience stores, and Inthanin Coffee shop
outside the service stations. These businesses include the supermarket business and convenience store, “SPAR”, as well as the Inthanin coffee business, which as of the end of Q3/2018, the total number of
ยิง่ขึน้ 4. ดำ้นธุรกจิ Non – oil ทีอ่ยู่ภำยใตก้ำรดูแลของบรษิทั บำงจำก รเีทล จ ำกดั ซึง่ประกอบดว้ยส่วนของธุรกจิซุปเปอร์ มำรเ์กต็และรำ้นสะดวกซือ้ SPAR รวมทัง้ธุรกจิรำ้นกำแฟอนิทนิลมกีำรขยำยธุรกจิทัง้ภำยใน