rapid increase of the number of Internet users; and the growing recognition of these media as effective advertising and marketing tools. Within the OOH media landscape, the trend has shifted from the sole
No. 10000/003/2020 11th February 2020 Subject: Acquisition of all shares in Nam San 3A Power Sole Co., Ltd. and Nam San 3B Power Sole Co., Ltd. of BCPG Public Company Limited to invest in hydro power
the special purpose juristic person. The provisional representative under the first paragraph shall have the sole authority to manage the business of the special purpose juristic person in all respects
a provisional representative of the special purpose juristic person. The provisional representative under the first paragraph shall have the sole authority to manage the business of the special
Microsoft Word - thawatcp 1073.doc This English version is prepared by staff of the Legal Department with the sole purpose of facilitating the comprehension of foreign participants in rules and
ที ่10000/003/2563 11 กมุภาพนัธ ์2563 เรื่อง การเข้าซื้อหุ้นทัง้หมดใน Nam San 3A Power Sole Co., Ltd. และ Nam San 3B Power Sole Co., Ltd. ของบรษิัท บซีพีจี ีจ ากดั (มหาชน) เพื่อเขา้ลงทุนในโครงการโรง
Clause 4 and by the registrar, within 30th December B.E. 2548. The payment of pension plan’s proceeds to the fund shall be lump * This English version is prepared by Legal Department with the sole purpose
Microsoft Word - min_pvd1072.doc This English version is prepared by staff of the Legal Department with the sole purpose of facilitating the comprehension of foreign participants in rules and
investors as the sole unit holder shall have the same information as that provided in the annual updated information statement submitted to the SEC Office along with the financial statements of the respective
1,207,092 ordinary shares with a par value of EUR 5 per share. Board of Directors 1. Mr. Jorge Filipe Vilar de Almeida Fesch 2. Mr. José Carlos Oliveira da Silva Cardoso Shareholders Sakthi Service GmbH (sole