Mr. Joel Warren Kovshoff or Coach K : Unlicensed digital asset business (Disclosure Date : 10/01/2023)
Facebook Page อ้างชื่อ K-o Tic : Unlicensed securities and derivatives business (Disclosure Date : 15/02/2024)
Facebook Page อ้างชื่อ K-o Tic : Unlicensed securities and derivatives business (Disclosure Date : 15/02/2024)
Mr. Joel Warren Kovshoff or Coach K : Unlicensed digital asset business (Disclosure Date : 10/01/2023)
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operating performance allowed KBank and K Companies to meet business targets while also gaining wide acceptance and recognition at home and abroad, as reflected in the numerous awards we received in this
and bill payment transactions made via our four mobile and internet banking channels, i.e., K PLUS, K PLUS SME, K-Cyber and K-Cyber SME; these are the most sought-after services among our retail and SME
transactions, and thus slash our cash management costs, leading to reduced costs for our customers and within the overall economic system in the long run. Within this context, KBank and K Companies accentuate
term) Mr. Kumchai Jongjakapun holds an LLB (Honors) from Thammasat University, Thailand, an LLM in International Business Law (with Merit) f r om UCL , Un i ve rs i t y o f London , and a PhD f rom K ing
context, KBank and K Companies operate our business as a Bank of Sustainability under appropriate risk management and good corporate governance. We accentuate enhancement of our business capabilities to