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approximately THB 336,600) Shareholding structure: The new set up company’s shares are held by (1) Vienna House Capital GmbH (“VHC”) at the ratio of 1 percent and (2) Vienna International Hotelmanagement AG (“VI
โรมาเนีย (หรือประมาณ 336,600 บาท) โครงสร้ำงกำรถือหุ้น: บริษัทย่อยท่ีจดัตัง้ขึน้ใหมถื่อหุ้นโดย (1) Vienna House Capital GmbH (“VHC”) ในสดัสว่น ร้อยละ 1 และ (2) Vienna International Hotelmanagement AG (“VI AG
Estate GmbH, a limited company incorporated under Austrian law, which is 94.8% directly owned by STRABAG SE AG and 5.2% indirectly owned by STRABAG SE AG through DCI Immo GmbH. STRABAG SE AG is a public
January 8, 2018. 3 Hotel AVION s.r.o. is a 100% owned by Strabag Real Estate GmbH, a limited company incorporated under Austrian law, which is 94.8% directly owned by STRABAG SE AG and 5.2% indirectly owned
150,000,000.00 100 168,000,000.00 2.68 450,000,000.00 6. % ,-1.)# กก"2ก #$ #) 2ก 2C!ก กก# % ' # % ' 2(+!,ก0)ก* ) ,-@ A * - !,ก0)62 62ก A'ก A "NJ ก"ก#C!ก 1 # 1 # -'5..@0F)ก* )( +65ก2C!ก ก+ ! 25(AG '!".@0F
(Switzerland) AG and Delta Electronics Industry LLC and 100% of investments in Delta Greentech (USA) and Delta Greentech (Brasil) S.A.. After net of loss from a fair value adjustment of investment in associated
Trade Association (TCCTA): The Best Contact Center in Thailand 2019 and other excellent awards including eight awards in the corporate category (six gold medals and two silver medals) and five awards in
: The newly set up company’s shares are held by Vienna International Hotelmanagement AG (“VI”) at the ratio of 100 percent. The Company has 100 percent indirect shareholding in VI via Lombard Estate
การ จ าหน่ายเงินลงทุนในบริษทัยอ่ย คือ จ าหน่ายเงินลงทุนร้อยละ 51 ในบริษทั Delta Energy Systems (Switzerland) AG และบริษทั Delta Electronics Industry LLC และไดจ้ าหน่ายเงินลงทุนทั้งหมดของบริษทั Delta