. ● L isted companies. For example: Incorrect or incomplete disclosure of information, for instance, financial statements, annual registration statement (56-1) or annual report (56-2); Failure to perform
a failure to perform duties with responsibility, due care and loyalty for the best interest of the company, which causes damage to the company or creates benefits for oneself or others. In this regard
a failure to perform duties with responsibility, due care and loyalty for the best interest of the company, which causes damage to the company or creates benefits for oneself or others. In this regard
https://www.sec.or.th/TH/Pages/STRENGTHENCG.aspx ก.ล.ต. ร่วมกับ 9 องค์กรพันธมิตร10 ภาครัฐและเอกชน จัดงาน “Winner Announcement & Showcase” ภายใต้โครงการ “Capital Market Datathon” เพื่อประกาศผลทีมผู้ชนะ