Microsoft Word - NMG - SET Disclosure on BoD resolutions (KK Land)(12Nov18) ENG (1) 13 November 2018 Subject: Entering into the Transaction of Disposing Land and Buildings, Amphoe Mueang Khon Kaen
vember 201 ed no. 5789 with the tota adee Road, uildings") to ors meeting zed to perf ng to sign se agreeme al of Land an partment of ary and app al of Land a Company Re Khon Kaen of the transf whereby th
other comprehensive income as Baht 50.78 million. Totally, the Company recognized the gain on revaluation of land and building as Baht 86.83 million to the other comprehensive income. Please be informed
Microsoft Word - NMG - SET Disclosure on BoD resolutions (KK Land)(12Nov18) (4) วนัท่ี 13 พฤศจิกายน 2561 เร่ือง การเข้าทํารายการจําหน่ายท่ีดินพร้อมสิง่ปลกูสร้าง อําเภอเมืองขอนแก่น จงัหวดัขอนแก่น
Microsoft Word - TNMG - SET Disclosure on BoD resolution (KK Land)31Jan 19 1 วนัท่ี 31 มกราคม 2562 เร่ือง ยกเลิกมติคณะกรรมการบริษัทฯ ครัง้ท่ี 13/2561 และครัง้ท่ี 16/2561 ท่ีเก่ียวข้องกบัรายการจํา
Electronics Public Company Limited (“the Company”) No. 9/2018, held on September 11, 2018, passed a resolution approving the purchase of asset, a land, by Thai Laminate Manufacturer Co., Ltd., the Company's
Property, land and equipment in the amount of 1,477.81 million baht and increase of 70.00 million baht, compared to the same period in 2016, which amounted of 1,407.81 million baht. Intangible assets in
, increase of 16.82 million baht compare to year 2018 had the amount of 18.13 million baht Sale of assets in subsidiary; Paradise Green Energy Company Limited which consists of Land, Building and some
baht compare to the same period in 2017 had the amount of 122.08 million baht because of the Company invested and sold shares of Dimet (Siam) Public Company Limited during Quarter 2-2018 Property, land
quarter of 2016, the Group has restructured of the publishing and distribution of publications due to the shift of consumer behaviors. The Group has set up a provision for inventory obsolescence and written