SCB ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED|Super Savings Fund : SSF | Offering Date : 08/12/2020 - 22/12/2020
ABERDEEN ASSET MANAGEMENT (THAILAND) LIMITED|Feeder Fund ,Super Savings Fund : SSF | Offering Date : 06/06/2023 - 16/06/2023
SCB ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED|Feeder Fund ,Retirement Mutual Fund : RMF | Offering Date : 24/08/2021 - 30/08/2021
Presently, several companies are interested to raise fund through digital token offer to finance their investment in office buildings or condominiums which will later be rented for income shared to holders of digital tokens or real estate-backed initial coin offering (ICO). Meanwhile, the regulations have not yet extended to such fund raising method and a smart contract has not yet covered an enforcement of investors’ rights in some issues which are activities occurring outside blockchain...
LAND AND HOUSES FUND MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED|Feeder Fund | Offering Date : 17/12/2021 - 24/12/2021
offerings and available for all investors on the website of the SEC. Rights before a decision to invest Rights as a shareholder SHARE : ติดต่อสอบถามข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม ContactUs SEC Help Center Tel. +66-2033
interest of the shareholder or the value of share (Shareholders’ value) (b) Acquisition and disposition of material assets, purchase, sale, or lease of business, business merger and acquisition, hired for
, dividend payment that may affect the interest of the shareholder or the value of share (Shareholders’ value) (b) Acquisition and disposition of material assets, purchase, sale, or lease of business, business
Notes should purchase any Notes. Each investor contemplating purchasing any Notes should make its own independent investigation of the financial condition and affairs, and its own appraisal of the
Form for approval of offering of newly issued shares specified in accordance with this Notification: The terms “institutional investor” “listed company” “juristic person under specific law” “parent