EASTSPRING ASSET MANAGEMENT (THAILAND) COMPANY LIMITED|Feeder Fund | Offering Date : 19/06/2023 - 23/06/2023
interest Total 1. Balance at the beginning 25x0 x x x x x x x (x) x x 2. Accumulation from write off x x x 3. Adjusted balance x x x x x x x (x) x x Alteration between a period 4. Appraisal surplus x x 5
)/2 Legal reserve Other reserv e Unappropriat ed retained earning (deficit) Treasury stock/1 Minorit y interest Total 1. Balance at the beginning 25x0 x x x x x x x (x) x x 2. Accumulation from write
x (x) x x 2. Accumulation from write off x x x 3. Adjusted balance x x x x x x x (x) x x Alteration between a period 4. Appraisal surplus x x 5. Revaluation surplus (deficit) in investment x x 6
a money borrowing; “connected person” means any individual or juristic person having one of the following relationships with the director, executive, major shareholder or controlling person of a
-proxy) and advertisements on shareholder meeting. This would allow shareholders to take part in shareholder https://www.sec.or.th/EN/Pages/ABOUTUS/TOWARDINTERNATIONAL-DOINGBUSINESS.aspx English (United
States) modernizing electronic systems, which enable the delivery of documents (e-delivery), proxies (e-proxy) and advertisements on shareholder meeting. This would allow shareholders to take part in
-delivery), proxies (e-proxy) and advertisements on shareholder meeting. This would allow shareholders to take part in shareholder https://www.sec.or.th/EN/Pages/ABOUTUS/TOWARDINTERNATIONAL-DOINGBUSINESS.aspx
(United States) modernizing electronic systems, which enable the delivery of documents (e-delivery), proxies (e-proxy) and advertisements on shareholder meeting. This would allow shareholders to take part
(United States) modernizing electronic systems, which enable the delivery of documents (e-delivery), proxies (e-proxy) and advertisements on shareholder meeting. This would allow shareholders to take part