Re: Rules, Conditions and Procedures for Advertisement Related to Promotion of Sales of Investment Units and Providing of Fund Management Services _____________ By virtue of Section 98(10) and Section
and Procedures for Advertisement Related to Promotion of Sales of Investment Units and Providing of Fund Management Services _____________ By virtue of Section 98(10) of the Securities and Exchange
; (5) advertisement and sale promotion , as specified in details in Chapter 6; (6) particular provisions for some kinds of service, as specified in details in Chapter 7. As a result of promulgating this
services to the client , as specified in details in Chapter 5; (5) advertisement and sale promotion , as specified in details in Chapter 6; (6) particular provisions for some kinds of service, as specified
opportunities or constraints – for example, obtaining a business license, concession or investment promotion – and clarify the respective benefits thereof as well. In the event that the Company or a subsidiary
clearly determined and tangible e.g. fund performance, management company’s performance, market share, etc. The long-term plan should demonstrate the direction of the business and the future plan such as
during the preceding year including the factors conducive to business opportunities or constraints – for example, acquisition of business license, concession or investment promotion – and clarify the
........ Year ............. Year ............. Year ............ Total assets Total liabilities Shareholders’ equity Total income Cost Net profits Earnings per share (EPS) Debt/equity ratio (D/E ratio) Return on
also comply with the notifications relating to the advertisement for the promotion of the sales of units. Chapter 2 Process upon Receiving the Approval to Establish the Fund ______________ Division 1
hereby issues the following regulations: Clause 1 Units of foreign collective investment scheme in the type of share is securities having investment characteristic similar with investment units. A person