Annual Report 2010 ANN UAL REPORT 2010 SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION, THAILAND ASEAN ECONOMIC COM MUN ITY Vision S = Setting High Standard E = Ethical C = Committed Pro = Professional Mission Core value: SEC-Pro The SEC develops and supervises the Thai capital market to ensure efficiency, fairness, transparency and integrity. The SEC is to establish the Thai capital market as an important alternative for investors and fund raisers with an efficient mechanism for investor empowerment and, in...
greater market share. KASIKORN ASSET MANAGEMENT CO., LTD. remained at the top of the mutual fund business. KASIKORN LEASING CO., LTD. saw satisfactory lending business volume in line with the overall
. enjoyed continually high loan growth. In addition, Muang Thai Life Assurance PCL retained its leadership in the bancassurance business, holding the second largest market share in total premiums. To secure
respective markets toward sustainable growth. The SEC also rendered stronger cooperat ion with the ASEAN in developing working systems of respective markets toward the same direction to streamline complicated
all to understand and consider the issue as a priority. Those involved in the capital market must walk together into the right direction, share the same goal and be ready to turn to each other for
People: To effectively tackle complicated problems, we focus on employee empowerment to ensure comprehensive solutions along with establishment of a solution hub in major provinces. Most recently, a
?FILESEQUENCE=2&FUNDNAME=BCAP-CTECH&FUNDCOMPRUNCODE=MF05042563&REPORTID=59&PERIOD=2021-01-22 ่(ภาษาองักฤษ) : Bangkok Capital Asset Management Company Limited 191 Silom Complex Off.Bldg., 24/F Room No.A-C, Silom
Data > Intermediaries Market Data SHARE : Detail Content Intermediaries List of Securities Businesses / Derivatives Businesses Asset Management Businesses Credit Rating Businesses
> Intermediaries > Credit Rating Businesses Market Data SHARE : Detail Content Credit Rating Businesses Credit Rating Agencies Fund Rating Agencies List of Securities Businesses
our promotion of overseas investments, strengthened enforcement on insider trading, share manipulation, executive misconducts, accounting frauds, false documentation of securities issuance and offering