Microsoft Word - S_2019_GRC-02_025_S43 Share Acquisition_EN Page 1 – Translation – GRC-02/2019/025 11 December 2019 Subject: Report of the Asset Acquisition To: President The Stock Exchange of
decrease of 43 million baht or 2% compared to 2015, and earning per share (EPS) of 9.61 baht per share. The operating performance is summarized as follows; Overview Overall, the Thai economy in 2016 expanded
-17.49% Basic Earnings per Share 0.77 0.51 0.32 0.52 2.57 2.12 -17.49% In FY 2017, the Company’s total revenues amounted to 5,331,47 million baht, increased by 329.07 million baht or 6.58% comparing to the
, decreasing by Baht 14.98 million, mainly from unrealized loss from investment in listed securities due to the highly volatile market this quarter which resulted from the uncertainty of COVID-19 outbreak and
: Notification of the resolution of the BODs' Meeting No.10/2018 to approved the signing of the Share Purchase Agreement and Project Development Contract for 109.76MW solar power plant project in Vietnam by the
% Administrative expenses (9.68) (8.59) 1.09 -11.28% (30.12) (25.84) 4.28 -14.21% Profit from operating activities 26.79 11.03 (15.76) -58.83% 85.23 48.96 (36.27) -42.56% Share of gain(loss) on investments in
competitive landscape remains challenging. We saw particular weakness in the steel sector as uncertainty led to reduced production and after a record sugar season in 2018 this sector has been behind our
investment last year. The Company recognized share of profit from associates of Baht 19.87 million, improving from share of loss of Baht 5.94 million last year. The share of profit from Krungthai ZMICO
increased .In addition the Social security revenue of subsidiaries decreased because of the uncertainty of the payment system of Social security office. 2. Cost of hospital operations & Administrative
% Administrative expenses (39.92) (37.10) 2.82 -7.06% Profit from operating activities 113.57 53.11 (60.47) -53.24% Share of profit on investments in associate 0.13 0.71 0.58 443.81% Finance costs (0.34) (0.23) 0.11