Microsoft Word - S_2019_GRC-02_025_S43 Share Acquisition_EN Page 1 – Translation – GRC-02/2019/025 11 December 2019 Subject: Report of the Asset Acquisition To: President The Stock Exchange of
2,778 +10% Authorized share capital 140 140 - Issued and fully paid-up share capital 140 140 - Share premium 6 6 -0.0% Retained earnings 1,276 1,270 +0.5% Other components of equity 196 196 -0% Deduct
121.3 million baht, decreased from the same period last year by 798.3 million baht of which loss attributable to the equity holders of the Company was 131.5 million baht. Loss per share for the nine-month
Company reported net loss attributable to the equity holder of the Company was 338.6 million baht. Loss per share for this quarter was 0.16 baht. Notable Event 1Q2020 Airline Business 1. The COVID-19
Company reported net profit for year 2019 at 356.7 million baht of which gain attributable to equity holders of the Company at the amount of 350.8 million baht. Earnings per share equaled to 0.17 baht. 4
per share equaled to 0.38 baht. 4 ASIA’S BOUTIQUE AIRLINE Notable Events Notable events in year 2017: 1. The Company has increased flight frequencies, operated new routes and terminated underperforming
to the company or any of its subsidiaries; c) receives or has received additional remuneration from the company apart from a director’s fee, participates in the company’s share option plan or a
; and attend the General Meetings of companies in which they have a major holding, where appropriate and practicable. Institutional investors should consider carefully explanations given for departure
/ appointing date) 1. ผูจัดทํา / Reporter หุนสามัญ (Common share) หุนบุริมสิทธิ (Preferred share) ใบสําคัญแสดงสิทธิที่จะซื้อหุน (Warrant) หุนกูแปลงสภาพ (Convertible debenture) หุนสามัญ (Common share) หุ
issued shares in Indo Rama Synthetics (India) Limited (“IRSL”), equaling to approximately 31.79% of IRSL’s enlarged share capital (the “Share Purchase”) at the price of INR 36 per share. The Company would