The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), in collaboration with the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and the Asia Investor Group on Climate Change (AIGCC), organized an in-depth training workshop titled “Deep-dive Masterclass on ICAPs Expectations Ladder: Governance.” This workshop aimed to strengthen the capacity and enhance responsible investment practices among asset management companies through actionable climate action plans, focusing on the governance aspect in line wi...
Bangkok, January 8, 2010 ? The SEC has officially launched the Change Program, a major initiative to improve its organizational efficiency and Thai capital market competitiveness in the global arena
Bangkok, January 8, 2010 ? The SEC has officially launched the Change Program, a major initiative to improve its organizational efficiency and Thai capital market competitiveness in the global arena
Members Program (APC). The APC aims at educating the provident fund committee members on best practices, good governance and duties of the provident fund committee. The program includes knowledge on various
SEC has issued the rules permitting the derivatives business operators or derivatives agent to carry out capital market product trading service in accordance with the Portfolio Advisory and Program
องค์กรการเงินระหว่างประเทศ (International Monetary Fund: IMF) และธนาคารโลก (World Bank: WB) ได้สรุปผลการประเมินภาคการเงินตามโครงการ Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) โดยด้านการกำกับตลาดทุน
or public offering must be in compliance with the SEC regulations. In case of a social enterprise, a waiver of approval application and filing with SEC can only be granted if the offeror is a social
offering must be in compliance with the SEC regulations. In case of a social enterprise, a waiver of approval application and filing with SEC can only be granted if the offeror is a social enterprise
SCB ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED|Super Savings Fund : SSF | Offering Date : 08/12/2020 - 22/12/2020
. They divided responsibilities for placing trading orders of FVC stocks, while coordinating and supporting one another consistently. This resulted in irregularity of the FVC share prices and trading