exchange; (b) containing no provisions that permit one party having the obligation to deliver goods to settle by cash or set-off with the other party in lieu of the delivery of goods ; and (c) the customary
following regulations: Clause 1. The civil dispute incidental to or resulted from the derivatives business, which the customer of the derivatives business operator may refer to settle by means of arbitration
by the intermediary . Clause 10 In case of doubt whether or not the assets segregated and managed by the SEC Office are clients’ assets , the SEC Office shall settle such assets with the official
Section 117 Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 Section 117. In the management of a mutual fund, a securities company may set up and manage a mutual fund only when its application to set up the
assigned by such claimant; “SET” means the Stock Exchange of Thailand; “Office” means the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission. Chapter I General Provision ________________________ Clause 4. The
ความเสี่ยงเพิ่มขึ้นอย่างมีนัยสำคัญ แต่อาจเพิ่มผลตอบแทนให้ กองทุนได้ - 5 - (ช) กรณีที่ derivatives ที่มีข้อกำหนดว่าอาจมีการ settle ด้วยทรัพย์สินอื่น (ข้อ 36(3)) ต้องเป็นทรัพย์สินที่กองทุนลงทุนหรือมีไว้ได้
procedures and processes to resolve the issues, and lists of contact persons and the communication channels, etc.; (8) define the level of security for each type of data to be used in the cloud service by
contingency operation .[M] 2.3 Temperature and humidity controlling system · Controlling the environment condition which have temperature and humidity appropriately according to settle the temperature of the
is the contracting party to set up a mechanism for the management company or its delegate to examine or verify the correctness of the portion of income the fund received under the agreement and to
objective in undertaking fund management business for short and long term. Objective should be set for the short-term plan and criteria/factor for evaluation of the accomplishment of the plan should be