rig h ts re se rv e d . D ig ita l In fra stru c tu re fo r C a p ita l M a rk e t R e v is e d B u s in e s s P ro c e s s : B o n d F ilin g & P rim a ry M a rk e t (d a ta a s o f 2 2 n d S e p te m
drove 5G adoption to 6.8mn users, above the target of 5mn. This represents 15% of total subscribers. The ARPU uplift of 5G subscribers stayed about 10-15%. AIS believes that our competitive edge in
Medical Business Plc., (CMR) amount Baht 1,010.31 million. comparing at the same period in 2017 representing 18.19% increase. Income from medical treatments in the separate financial went up 17.07% due to
Chiang Mai Ram Medical Business Plc., (CMR) amount Baht 995.22 million comparing at the same period in 2018 representing 1.86% increase . Income from medical treatments in the separate financial went up
ended September 30, 2019 To The President and Director The Stock Exchange of Thailand Dear Sirs, Finansia Syrus Securities Public Company would like to disclose the reviewed consolidated and separate
Medical Business Plc., (CMR) amount Baht 854.83 million. comparing at the same period in 2016 representing 3.30% increase. Income from medical treatments in the separate financial went down 3.46% due to the
Medical Business Pcl., (CMR) amount Baht 872.11 million. comparing at the same period in 2016 representing 8.11% increase. Income from medical treatments in the separate financial went up 4.19% due to the
Chiang Mai Ram Medical Business Pcl., (CMR) amount Baht 1,035.05 million. comparing at the same period in 2016 representing 11.98% increase. Income from medical treatments in the separate financial went up
million . Income from medical treatments in the separate financial went down 1.22% due to the increased in the number of out-patients to 1.09% but the number of in-patients decreased 10.68 %. The rental and
Mai Ram Medical Business Plc., (CMR) amount Baht 999.56 million. comparing at the same period in 2018 representing 3.38% increase . Income from medical treatments in the separate financial went down