Bangkok, December 8, 2014 - The SEC suspended {A}, a capital market investment consultant and investment planner for six months. She was an Assistant Managing Director of {X1} Co., Ltd., while the
Bangkok, November 11, 2014 - The SEC revoked the approval of Panadda Burapawijitnon, a capital market investment consultant for ten years, and {B} (formerly named {C}), a securities investment
Bangkok, December 9, 2014 - The SEC suspended {A}, a capital market investment consultant of Maybank Kim Eng Securities (Thailand) Plc., for 6 months.After receiving a client's complaint against {A
Bangkok, November 20, 2012 - The SEC revoked approval of three investment consultants, namely (1) {A} of Sicco Securities PLC, (2) {B}, then an employee of Asia Plus Securities PLC, and (3) {C}, then
securities investment consultants, had committed wrongful acts against clients at various branch offices as follows: (1) In the case of Miss Surasa Mungthaworn, it was found that she had
Following the tips from various sources to SEC, several investment solicitations have been found via online channels such as websites, Facebook and YouTube regarding the products that may be liable
prevent holding company from having characteristics similar to investment company, the SEC specifies that the size of core business and other businesses that holding company holds shares, when compared with
Bangkok, December 4, 2013 ? The SEC is seeking public comment on revision of the rules to allow licensed brokerage firms to expand the service on overseas investment in a wider range of financial
Bangkok, 15 March 2017 - The SEC has suspended the approval of two securities investment consultants, {A} and {B}, for failing to perform duties with responsibility and deliberation as a professional
Bangkok, October 6, 2014 ? The SEC revoked approval of 2 securities investment consultants for ten years; Thanjira Phonwattanakul (formerly named Natthareeya Kulpakawa), a consultant of Tisco Asset