paragraph of Section 308 of the Civil and Commercial Code shall not be prejudiced: (1) transfer of assets whereby the original payee acts as the agent to collect and receive payments of debts incurred; (2
a defence under second paragraph of Section 308 of the Civil and Commercial Code shall not be prejudiced: (1) transfer of assets whereby the original payee acts as the agent to collect and receive
governing such operations. Section 15. If the assets which have been transferred are rights of claims whereby the original payee acts as an agent to collect and receive payments of debts incurred, the
the trust; (4) oversee and collect interest of the trust; (5 act-sea2016-no5.pdf ownership of such securities; (2
) transfer of assets whereby the original payee acts as the agent to collect and receive payments of debts incurred; (2) transfer of assets whereby the agent to collect and receive payments of debts has been
โครงกำร Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) ผูป้ระเมิน ไดเ้ข้ำประเมินกฎหมำยในกำรกำก ับดูแลศูนย์รับฝำกหลักทรัพย์ภำยใต้มำตรฐำนสำกล อนัได้แก่ Principles for Financial Market Infrastructure (PFMI
กบัดูแล ตลาดหลักทรัพย์ให้เป็นไปตามมาตรสากลเพ่ือให้ประเทศไทยพร้อมเข้ารับการประเมนิในโครงการ ประเมินภาคการเงิน (Financial Sector Assessment Program) ในปี 2561 รวมทั้งเพ่ิมความรับผิดชอบ และกลไกในการตรวจสอบ
Finance, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Commerce, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Industry, Secretary-General of the Council of State, Secretary-General of the Office of the National Economic
of Industry, Secretary-General of the Council of State, Secretary-General of the Office of the National Economic and Social Development Council, Governor of the Bank of Thailand, Secretary-General of
, a trustee shall perform its duty in order to collect, dispose and allocate property in accordance with Section 53 upon termination of trust, except where dissolution, liquidation or bankruptcy of the