conducting GHG Accounting for organisations, products, and events in accordance with the GHG Protocol and ISO standards. She has also assisted a wide range of clients to receive carbon neutral certifications
capital. Transactions details are described as follow : 1) Date of transaction occurs: 28 February 2019 2) The parties involved : Buyer Excellent Rubber Co., Ltd. [ERC] Buyer Advantage Footwear Co.,Ltd
registered capital. Transactions details are described as follow : 1) Date of transaction occurs: 28 February 2019 2) The parties involved : Buyer Excellent Rubber Co., Ltd. [ERC] Buyer Advantage Footwear Co
Shareholders No.1/2019 to the extent that it is appropriate and necessary within the scope of laws. The Company would like to inform that the transaction of acquiring ordinary shares of KPN Academy Company
content of IFRS S1 comprises the following: 1 Objective 2 Scope 3 Conceptual foundations 4 Core content 5 General requirements 6 Judgements, uncertainties and errors 28 พฤศจกิายน 2567 Page 13 ท ำควำมรู้
on scope of audit imposed by the companies’ managements. AIE and AI must submit to the SEC and publicly disclose the rectified and audited 2014 financial statements by May 27, 2015. AIE was also
ดังกล่าว เพ่ือมิให้ผู้ลงทุนและผู้มีส่วนได้เสียเข้าใจผิดและพิจารณา เปิดเผยแผนการดำเนินการต่อไปให้ชัดเจน 3 Scope 3 คาดว่าจะบังคับให้รายงานใน 56-1 One report ปีไหน ตอนนี้ ยังไม่กำหนด ทั้งนี้ บริษัทสามารถ
in auditing and reviewing its 2014 and Q1/2015 financial statements where the auditor expressed qualified opinions due to limitation on scope of audit imposed by the company management. EIC must submit
. Notification of the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission Concerning Granting of Approval of Financial Advisors and Their Scope of Work ______________________ Whereas the notifications issued by the
0.38 4. Excellent Rubber Co.,ltd 141,272 3.85 12. Vitayasithi Co.,Ltd. 13,875 0.38 5.WBLP Co.,Ltd. 40,000 1.09 13. Thai Wacoal Plc. 13,875 0.38 6. Ramasorn Thaveekarn Co., Ltd. 23,125 0.63 14. Sariraporn