the purpose of compliance with this Notification, the SEC Office is empowered as follows: (1) issuing detailed Notifications under the scope of this Notification in order that any intermediary would
under the scope of this Notification in order that any intermediary would comply with this Notification under the same standard. In this regard, the SEC Office may impose the detail for consistence with
shall comply with the regulations under Chapter 7; (8) capital market product trading service with limited discretion according to clients’ pre-determined investment scope shall comply with the
to check whether the work performance of such designated person is within the scope of power, duties and responsibilities; (2) determining clearly the rules concerning consideration for approval of
by the Office. 2. Scope of activities The scope of activities must relate to the skills and knowledge useful for performance of duties as investor contact including: 2.1 Business-related knowledge e.g
securities sold is less than the minimum amount specified by the issuer, the reasons for the cancellation of the offer for sale, and the securities subscription, etc.) - State the warning statement for
trading by minimum disclosure of the following information: (1) information relating to the financial status, credibility and scope of the derivatives dealer ’s business; (2) detailed information pertaining
คล่องสุทธิ (“NC”) หรืออัตราส่วนเงินกองทุนสภาพคล่องสุทธิ (“NCR”) เท่ากับหรือน้อยกว่า 1.5 เท่าของเกณฑ์ขั้นต่ำ (เป็นระดับ early warning เท่ากับ 10.5% หรือ 37.5 ล้านบาท กรณีประกอบธุรกิจหลักทรัพย์และเป็นตัวแทน
, registration fees, approval fees or operating fees; (3) the determination of scope and practices as regards the duties of the subcommittees and relevant officers under this Act; (4) the prescription of a
shall monitor and supervise its personnel, who are responsible for providing investment analysis, consultation or planning to clients, to perform their duties within the specified scope as approved by the