may affect the company, fund and client or investor to reduce the risk and damage that may possibly be incurred and to allow the company to continue its businesses that are significant and necessary
required; 2.3 consider risks of media degrading while stored information is still needed and methods on how to handle such risks in case of prolonged storage; 2.4 keep all media in a safe and secured
secure or satisfy the obligations incurred incidental to or resulted from derivatives transaction for the account of a customer, it shall, in compliance with the rules specified in the notification of the
) principles for contacting and providing services to clients, intermediaries remain obliged to continue following such principles, as prescribed in Clause 30(1) of the Notification of the Capital Market
liquidity for derivatives trading in derivatives exchange; (4) “ initial margin ” means the minimum amount of assets which a client shall deposit to secure the performance of derivatives when entering a
derivatives broker. “Derivative exchange” means any derivative exchange licensed by the Securities and Exchange Commission. “Initial margin” means the minimum amount of asset a customer must deposit to secure
supervisor in business management. Clause 2 In order to ensure that critical function of intermediaries will continue or be restored in a timely manner in the event of disruption of its normal operations
management for business continuity of securities companies pursuant to this Notification. Clause 3. In order to ensure that critical functions of a securities company will continue or be restored in a timely
claimant no longer intends to continue the arbitratal proceeding and the Office shall terminate the proceeding for such dispute, except where the Office deems it necessary and appropriate; (2) after the
customer to secure the performance of derivatives contract when a derivative position is initiated; (4) “ maintenance margin ” means the minimum amount of assets to be maintained by a customer as long as the