always knowing our customer insight. In addition, in this quarter some customers rush to transfer and secure their mortgage before the new BOT’s LTV measure become effective. 2. Selling and Administrative
corresponding period last year, or 22.75% decreased. The revenue was decreased because some customers rush to transfer and secure their mortgage in the first quarter before the new BOT’s LTV measure become
ยะกลำงในทุก ๆ 5 ปี เพื่อให้ครอบคลุมทุกประเภท ทรัพย์สินในพอร์ตกำรลงทุน เกณฑ์จุดเริ่มต้นของ UNFCC Race to Zero* * กรอบอนุสัญญำสหประชำชำติว่ำด้วยกำรเปลี่ยนแปลงสภำพภูมิอำกำศ ซึ่งขอให้นักลงทุนให้ค ำมั่นที่
for employee attendance, it is to reduce the risk of travelling in rush hours and congestion. - Making life insurance (COVID-19) for employees, all will be insured with coverage limit in the amount of
events, resulting cash flow throughout the events all the year. And the Company also organized E- Sport event, race for Chombueng Marathon project, 10K Thailand Championship run project, sport tourism, etc
landlord to rush to transfer the ownership of the said land within June 17, 2020, causing the board meeting to not be held before the transaction date. Therefore, it is necessary to request ratification of
กระจกของพอร์ตกำรลงทุนเพ่ือไม่ให้อุณหภูมิโลกเกิน 1.5 องศำเซลเซียส UNFCC Race to Net Zero (RTZ)* In advocating for these transition plans, investors should recognise the need for a just transition in
during rush hour. As the recent COVID-19 outbreak resulted in the temporary closure of the sit-in service within the dessert stores, the Company recognized the important to prepare for changes that may
household sector increased due to the rush to transfer home ownership before the effective date of the revision of the housing loan regulation (LTV measure) on April 1, 2019, but demand for auto-leasing
confidence coupled with the already high household debt level. Nevertheless, the non-durable goods increased partly from the rush in purchase of consumers goods due to the concerns on the COVID-19 outbreak