Microsoft Word - APCON loan 30 mb Roll-over _EN_ page 1/4 May 14, 2020 Subject : Notification of extension of financial assistance period to associated company (Connected person) To : The President
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. scraps and pig iron, had more fluctuated since the first quarter of 2016, by increasing in the first and the second quarters of 2016 and then decreased in the third quarter of 2016 but then turn back
amortization 223 Work roll amortisation 21 Finance costs 62 Unrealised gain on foreign exchange 108 (Reversal of) loss on devaluation of inventories 6 (Reversal of) loss on confirmed purchase orders of
: Million Baht Jan - Dec 2019 Cash flows from operating activities Net profit (Loss) for the period (1,353) Adjustments for Depreciation and amortization 900 Work roll amortisation 74 Interest income (20
second quarters of 2016 and then decreased in the third quarters of 2016 but then turn back increasing continuously until the second quarter of 2017. Thus it will become more challenging for the global