Offeror : MR. CHANCHAI KULTHAVARAKORN | Date of submission of the Statement of Intention : 19/08/2013
Offeror : MR. CHANCHAI KULTHAVARAKORN | Date of submission of the Statement of Intention : 04/09/2013
Offeror : MR. CHANCHAI KULTHAVARAKORN | Date of submission of the Statement of Intention : 09/09/2013
Offeror : CJ Prime Company Limited | Date of submission of the Statement of Intention : 27/02/2024
Offeror : CJ Prime Company Limited | Date of submission of the Statement of Intention : 14/03/2024
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. 2566 9 2. Bueng Khong Long Non-hunting Area 3. Don Hoi Lot1. Kuan Ki Sian of the Thale Noi Non- Hunting Area 5. Nong Bong Kai Non-hunting Area4. Krabi River