Microsoft PowerPoint - 20190812 AU_MDA_TH_v3.6 บรษิัท อาฟเตอร ยู จํากัด (มหาชน) คาํอธิบายและการวิเคราะหของฝายจัดการ (MD&A) Q2/2562 คําอธิบายและการวิเคราะหของฝายจัดการ (MD&A) Q2/2562 บทสรปุผูบริหาร สรุปผลประกอบการสําคัญในไตรมาสที่ 2 ป 2562 2 Overall Operating Results of the Company in Q2/2019 Q2/61 Q2/62 1H/61 1H/62 (ลานบาท) YoY 1H รายไดจากการขาย 206 312 51% 405 599 48% กําไรขั้นตน 138 201 46% 273 389 42% EBITDA 49 95 94% 99 186 88% กําไรสุทธิของกลุมบริษัทฯ 29 63 117% 60 123 105% อัตรา...
second-cycle audit inspection with a more robust inspection plan, in response to current audit environment and the deficiencies found during the first cycle. The results, thus far, have shown significant
set robust environmental standards for the market. • As many of you know, IFC is at the forefront of creating green financing markets in Asia, including Thailand. Through our recent sustainable
relevant to the accounting profession will be revised to provide an effective supervisory mechanism for auditors in the capital market and a robust foundation will be built for the Thai capital market to
* ". (* O B.. 2550) Cedears Assets Market Value (MIO) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Ma r-0 3 Ap r-0 3 Ma y- 03 Ju n- 03 Ju l-0 3 Au g- 03 Se p- 03 Oc t-0 3 No v- 03 De c-0 3 Ja n- 04 Fe b- 04 Ma r-0 4 Ap r-0 4
and strengthening domestic demand, growth in the ASEAN-5 (Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Singapore) economies is projected to remain robust at around 5% for the fourth quarter of
by MSCI (with country GPR data availability) between 1985 and 2019, from Refinitiv Datastream. ❑ Dependent variable used to measure firm value is Tobin’s Q. ❑ To ensure the results are robust, we
Oster’s (2019) testing for coefficient stability. Our results survive all the robustness checks and thus appear to be strongly robust. Therefore, our results likely reflect a causal effect, rather than a
in the Government Gazette, the amended Act shall take effect and will provide a robust foundation for fair and effective development of the capital market. Developing our capital market is an ongoing
: 0.8% complaint rate • Treatment: 1.33% complaint rate Robust: Exclude California, NY, Wyoming,