Operating Results of the Company in Q2/2019 Q2/18 Q2/19 1H/18 1H/19 Change +/(-) (THB million) YoY 1H Operating Revenue 206 312 51% 405 599 48% Gross Profit 138 201 46% 273 389 42% EBITDA 49 95 94% 99 186 88
mainly by the drop of revenue from sales and services, resulting from temporary closure of hotels, schools, and food/catering outlets. The impact was lessened from the Company’s continuing efforts from
31 ธ.ค. 59 หรอื บจ. บางแหง่ไมไ่ดน้ าสง่งบการเงนิตามก าหนดเวลา 93% บจ. สว่นใหญ ่ม ีKAM 1 - 2 เร ือ่ง * 2 KAM สว่นใหญเ่ป็นเรือ่ง revenue & impairment * Comprise of Debt Covenant, Related Parties
% Million Baht % Sales Revenue 65.77 82.58% 63.35 79.06% (2.42) (3.69%) Revenue from contract work 12.32 15.46% 14.28 17.82% 1.96 15.93% Revenue from service income 0.61 0.76% 1.40 1.75% 0.80 131.23% Revenue
Company”) would like to clarify the operating result of the financial statements as follows: Quarter 1 / year 2019 Quarter 1 / year 2020 Change Million Baht % Million Baht % Million Baht % Sales revenue
quarter of the year 2020, as at 30 June 2020, TCJ and its subsidiaries had the total revenue of Baht 568.38 million increased from Baht 543.85 million in the year 2019 or increased by 4.51%. Revenue
the 4th quarter of the year 2019, as at 31 December 2019, TCJ and its subsidiaries had the total revenue of Baht 1,096.14 million decreased from Baht 1,182.78 million in the year 2018 or decreased by
% 45.3% 6.9% Room revenue 285,355 250,664 13.8% Food & Beverage revenue 275,493 241,245 14.2% Other revenue 97,372 93,752 3.9% Hotel income 658,220 585,661 12.4% Cost of sales and services 325,621 326,698
the 4th quarter of the year 2018, as at 31 December 2018, TCJ and its subsidiaries had the total revenue of Baht 1,182.78 million decreased from Baht 1,475.29 million in the year 2017 or decreased by
1th quarter of the year 2019, as at 31 March 2019, TCJ and its subsidiaries had the total revenue of Baht 289.69 million increased from Baht 277.73 million in the year 2018 or increased by 4.30