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Automatically generated PDF from existing images.
Automatically generated PDF from existing images.
project completed and started transfer in November 2016 while the rest were continuing revenue from existing completed projects. In 2016 there were 4 projects completed and started transfer ,Manor
project completed and started transfer in November 2016 while the rest were continuing revenue from existing completed projects. In 2016 there were 4 projects completed and started transfer ,Manor
represents an increase of Baht 84 million in profits from the same quarter’s loss of Baht 67 million of the previous year. One of the reasons for the aforementioned profit is due to the increased revenue from
sales revenue increased from THB 355.2 million to THB 374.3 million, respectively, representing an increase of 5.4%. The increase in sales revenue mainly due to higher sales revenue of our existing
61 branches in 9M/2024. • Revenue from Non-café in 9M/2024 was THB 106 million, increased by THB 44 million or 71% from 9M/2023 mainly due to the increase in revenue from existing customers and the
61 branches in 1H/2024. • Revenue from Non-café in 1H/2024 was THB 44 million, increased by THB 4 million or 10% from 1H/2023 mainly due to the increase of revenue from existing customers and the
existing customers and growth in sales from modern trade channels. • Revenue from Catering and Pop-Up in Q1/2024 was THB 14 million, increased by THB 3 million or 27% from Q1/2023 mainly due to the increase