Offeror : NHCT Co.,Ltd. | Date of submission of the Statement of Intention : 05/08/2008
intermediaries.? The amendment proposal aims to strengthen IT security protection for intermediaries to cope with potential new types of risk arising from the use of new technologies such as mobile devices and
personal data protection for life insurance business, insurance business and insurance assessors, assessment of corporate readiness, legal compliance and security protection and the building of knowledge
sectors convenience for issuing debt securities for fund mobilization while putting in place an appropriate mechanism for investor protection as debt securities is indeed an investment choice. Hence, the
At the academic seminar entitled “Investor protection mechanism and building confidence in the capital market” hosted by SEC on Wednesday 20 November 2019, experts from Australia and Malaysia took
Presently, several companies are interested to raise fund through digital token offer to finance their investment in office buildings or condominiums which will later be rented for income shared to holders of digital tokens or real estate-backed initial coin offering (ICO). Meanwhile, the regulations have not yet extended to such fund raising method and a smart contract has not yet covered an enforcement of investors’ rights in some issues which are activities occurring outside blockchain...
supervision of subordinated perpetual bonds to strengthen investor protection and simultaneously develop the debt securities market. In this regard, such type of bond to be offered for sale to the general
safety of clients’ digital assets in protection of digital asset traders. Recent news reports on cyber attack on a foreign decentralized finance platform, which resulted in tremendous loss of clients
and Communications, Naresuan University SEC Capital Market Symposium 2022 November 22, 2022 Motivation Explaining Value Data Results Conclusions Value Investing • Security Analysis by Benjamin Graham
security of payment systems. As most digital assets are developed using public decentralized technology (public blockchain), they are unregulated and not subjected to safety standards. If problems arise