January 2024 is eligible if it has either: • A power density > 5W/m2 OR • GHG emissions intensity < 100g CO2e/kWh during the life cycle of the powerplant. A hydropower facility commencing operation on 1
turnover in busy season? 4 How does the firm address concerns regarding the competence and capabilities of engagement team members, including ensuring they have sufficient time to perform their
(the “time-on” period)? 2.1 For Listed Companies: Has any key audit partner who was rotated off returned to a position of responsibility in the audit within a period of (“the cooling-off period”) - five
on an ongoing basis or what process taken to reduce that risk. 9 How is client continuance dealt with in the cases of proposed or ongoing litigation? 10 Has the firm been in any tender process
that the firm considers as high risk? Please describe the relevant responses to these risks B1 Who is the ultimate shareholder(s) that have ultimate control of the audit firm, and;? B2 Who has the
that it delivers to the intended external parties? (e.g. publishing a transparency report on the firm's website and presenting it to the audit committee.) 4 Does the firm specify the types of significant
pressure when the EQr has a reporting line to the engagement partner? 3 Has the firm established responses to address quality risks that set forth the criteria for eligibility of individuals who assist the
Reference /Guidance Notes Description B1 Does the firm evaluate the effect of deficiencies noted as a result of monitoring process and determine whether they are either 1) Instances that do not necessarily
) quality risks and (3) responses? 6.1 Please provide the list of circumstances that can have an impact on risk assessment process. 6.2 Please provide a detailed description and schedule of the procedures to
ปฏิบัติงาน • ระดับที่ 2 (second line of defense) : การบริหารความเสี่ยงและกำกับดูแลการปฏิบัติตามกฎหมายและหลักเกณฑ์ที่เกี่ยวข้อง • ระดับที่ 3 (third line of defense) : การตรวจสอบ N/A Yes/Partial/No N/A N/A N