also prosper. Effective stewardship benefits companies, investors and the economy as a whole. 2. In publicly listed companies responsibility for stewardship is shared. The primary responsibility rests
determining the credit rating some for whom the rated entity or obligation is within their area of primary analytical responsibility and some of whom have other areas of primary analytical responsibility. 1.15
continuity and bias avoidance, a CRA could assign a team of analysts to participate in determining the credit rating some for whom the rated entity or obligation is within their area of primary analytical
ด้วยความรับผิดชอบ ระมัดระวัง (duty of care) และซื่อสัตย์สุจริตต่อองค์กร (duty of loyalty) และดูแลให้การดาเนินงานเป็นไป ตามกฎหมาย ข้อบังคับ และมติที่ประชุมผู้ถือหุ้น หลักปฏบิตั ิ1.4 คณะกรรมการควรเข้าใจขอบ
also includes the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Capital Market Advisory Board. The SEC has primary responsibility for the governance of listed companies The Thai IoD has been a
independently and without bias, advancing beneficiary or client interests as their primary obligation. 1.3 Capacity and effective management Institutional investors should be led by boards and staff with the
and grasp new opportunities. Taking into account the costs and benefits of regulation, governments have an important responsibility for shaping an effective regulatory framework that provides for
independently and without bias, advancing beneficiary or client interests as their primary obligation. Governing bodies, and where relevant, individuals in a fiduciary position of responsibility for ultimate
making of investors significantly or ensures equal information access for all investors, as deemed necessary and useful. In any case, the Company has the duty and responsibility to disclose accurate and
any responsibility for its accuracy nor be held liable for any loss or damages arising from or related to its use. ---------------------- Notification of the Office of the Securities and Exchange