provision of Class Action in the Thai legal system results from the endeavor of the Securities and Exchange Commission, Thailand (“SEC") to resolve the problem that the damaged investors could not get
independence from the profession in the same way as specified by IOSCO. To support competitiveness of Thai listed companies and improvement of financial statements to conform to the international standards, the
Exchange Commission, Thailand (“SEC") to resolve the problem that the damaged investors could not get remedies from persons who violated or failed to comply with the Securities and Exchange Act. The SEC
persons have conflict of interests to an outside person. 4.2 Executives of the company resign as executives of the company in which such persons have conflict of interests. Ways to resolve conflict of
activities that indirectly contribute to improvement in the public health and welfare, environment conditions, safety of public lives and assets. 4. The name of fund shall begin with “Infrastructure Fund
activities that indirectly contribute to improvement in the public health and welfare, environment conditions, safety of public lives and assets. 4. The name of fund shall begin with “Infrastructure Fund