regard, the information shall also cover the following matters: 1.1.1 Overview of the vision, objectives, goals and business strategies of the Company or the group of companies, as specified by the Board
Clause 2 have details as provided in appendix at the end of this Notification of Practice Guidelines, whereby such details are as the following matters: (1) Division 1 Objectives of practice guidelines for
following matters: 1.1 Vision, objectives, goals and operational strategies Provide as much information as deemed appropriate on the vision, objectives, goals and operational strategies of the Company or the
information shall cover at least the following matters: 1.1 Vision, objectives, goals and strategies Provide as much information as deemed appropriate on the vision, objectives, goals and business strategies of
Section 19 Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 Section 19. The Office has the power and duty to perform any act necessary for the implementation of the SEC’s resolutions and to perform any other
of the Office, the determination of salary and other remuneration as well as welfare and assistance; (5) any other activities to be implemented according to the objectives of this Act. All rules
the words “Provident Fund” and followed by the words “which has been registered”; (2) the location of office; (3) the objectives; (4) the procedures for admission of members and termination of
business operation and has the duty to convey the goals under the missions, strategies, policies, and operating plan at the enterprise level to the information technology-related goals under the supervision
advice without taking into account the objectives for investment, financial conditions or specific demands of any particular persons; (b) disseminating general advice to the public in such ways that allow
results not lower than Broadly Implemented or equivalent based on the Objectives and Principles of Securities Regulation of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) regarding